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Recent publications

Poitras Pratt, Y. & Hanson, A. J.  (2020) Indigenous instructors’ perspectives on pre-service teacher education: Poetic responses to difficult learning and teaching. Race, Ethnicity and Education, DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2020.1718085

Poitras Pratt, Y. (2020). A family of learners: Métis people in Canada and their educational lifeworlds. In S. Brigham, K. Jubas & R. McGray (Eds.), Adult education and lifelong learning in Canada, pp. 15-25. Thompson.

Poitras Pratt, Y., Louie, D. W., Hanson, A. J., & Ottmann, J. (2018). “Indigenous Education and Decolonization.” In G. Noblit (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.240


Louie, D., Poitras Pratt, Y., Hanson, A., & Ottmann, J. (2017). Applying Indigenizing principles of decolonizing methodologies in university classrooms. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 47 (3), 16-33.


Poitras Pratt, Y., & Danyluk, P. (2017). Learning what schooling left out: Making an Indigenous case for critical service-learning and critical pedagogy within teacher education. Canadian Journal of Education, 40 (1), 1-29.


*Poitras Pratt, Y., Lalonde, S., Hanson, A. & Danyluk, P. (2017). Responding to the TRC Calls to Action: Indigenizing a graduate program. In P. Preciado Babb, L. Yeworiew, & S. Sabbaghan (Eds.). Selected Proceedings of the IDEAS Conference:  Leading Educational Change Conference 2017, pp. 103-111. Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.


Kawalalik, C., Groen, J., Poitras Pratt, Y. & Danyluk, P. (2017). Navigating a Pathway for Individual and Collective Well-Being: Academics Speak Out. Journal of Educational Thought, 50 (2 & 3), 138-155.


Poitras Pratt, Y., & Danyluk, P. (in press). Transforming teachers and practices through First Nations, Métis and Inuit community learning experiences. In D. Lund & K. Grain (Eds.), Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice (pp. xx-xx). Boston, MA: Wiley Press.


*Poitras Pratt, Y., & Lalonde, S. (in press). The Alberta Métis Education Council: Realizing self-determination in education. In S. Carr-Stewart (Ed.), Disconnection and Reconciliation: Aboriginal Education in Canada, (pp. xx-xx). Vancouver, BC: UBC Press


*Poitras Pratt, Y., & Lalonde, S. (2016). Designing and sharing relational space through decolonizing media. Proceedings of the IDEAS: Designing for Innovation Conference 2016, University of Calgary, Institutional Repository PRISM 2016. Available online at:


Poitras Pratt, Y., & Danyluk, P. (2016). Moving toward critical service learning as a signature pedagogy in Aboriginal communities: Why good intentions are not enough. Proceedings of the IDEAS: Designing for Innovation Conference 2016, University of Calgary, Institutional Repository PRISM 2016. Available online at:


Poitras Pratt, Y. & Daniels, D.L. (2014). Métis remembrances of education: Bridging history with memory. Proceedings of the IDEAS: Rising to the Challenge Conference 2014, University of Calgary, Institutional Repository DSpace 2014. Available online at:


Poitras Pratt, Y. (2011). Profile of Olive Patricia Dickason. In C.J. Voyageur, D.R. Newhouse, & D. Beavon (Eds.), Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal People to Canadian Identity and Culture (Vol. 2) (pp. 157-159). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.


Poitras Pratt, Y. (2010). Merging new media with old traditions. Native Studies Review, 19(1), 1-27.


Poitras Pratt, Y. (2010). Taking a stance: Aboriginal research as an act of empowerment. In S.B. Hafsteinsson & M. Bredin (Eds.), Indigenous Screen Cultures in Canada (pp. 163-182). Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press

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